Monday, February 16, 2009

一係就係個靚女, 一係就等四年

今日跟我朋友去看她常見的"睇相佬", 頗有趣.....
其實有趣的, 前天晚上已經開始....

孫生致電來: 你係咪拍緊拖呀? 比佢個八字我呀.
我斬釘截鐵地說: 冇...!
孫生: 咁心上人呢?
我再斬釘截鐵地說: 冇.....
孫生: 咁你想同佢一齊嘅人呢?
我: 都冇喎...
孫生苦心婆心: 其實你要我地啲研究術數嘅人幫到你地呢, 你地都要試吓 work with 佢地, open up 一啲....
問到這樣子, 我知道他早已知我在想誰: 啱啱同女朋友散咗, 或者你可以睇吓我地仲有冇機會喺埋一齊? (講完之後收唔番第二句說話)
孫生: 係喇...!!!! (好似斷正你嘅語氣)


- 我好適合做同文化, 創作, 或 consulting 類嘅工作
- 我唸得太多野
- 我個老婆會好靚
- 我老咗會有錢, 我好適合做不動產投資

- 我始終都係適合自己創業
- 28 - 32 係我嘅頹廢年, 成日都思緒混亂, 冇晒之前嘅鬧志, 加上做乜都死, 做生意會比 partner 呃錢, 所有桃花亦都唔會有結果
- 33 - 37 重新振作, 一洗頹風!
- 原適合做 lawyer, 但眼帶桃花, 太重感情, 做唔成 lawyer
- 我條命會有個好能幹好幫到我嘅老婆, 佢對我助力可以好大, 因為會對我喺事業嘅專注會有決定性嘅影響

- 梁小姐唔想同我結婚其實係因為嫌我賺唔夠錢! hahahahahahah
- 我原本02, 03 應該結咗婚, 而家睇我嘅婚姻要當我離咗婚, 睇 "第二段婚姻"
- 今年四月至七月我好大機會同個好靚嘅桃花一拍即合, 之後繼而閃電結婚
- 呢個人仲好可能係已經識嘅㖭

- 錯失咗今年嘅桃花, 下次就要係 2013 (4 年後???)
- (miss 咗嘅話, 噉我呢年四年咪唔駛旨意 focus 喺事業度, 咪聽乞米???)

- 我極需要一個事業上嘅 partner
- 繼續做 hi tech, 但不斷咁 on the side 試其他 side business
- 我要盡快重新鼓動我嘅 leadership and management skills, 仲要提升到另一個境界
- 唔好再唸, 做!

- 喺四月至七月若果個靚女桃花就算唔係 single 嘅話, 都要搶佢番嚟! hahahah

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

worth some thoughts








Sunday, January 11, 2009

2009 resolutions

Every year I've said I wouldn't want to come up with mine. But every year I couldn't help it after reading SSSA's list. So here, once again, I'm giving in:

  • cny 前將心情平服下來, 真真正正的 move on (其實都不知這個算不算是一個 resolution)
  • 逼 gg 跟我一起學懂控制我們的 party alcohol consumption
  • read the following books recommended by Mr Shiu:
  1. 自私的基因 (The selfish gene)
  2. 人性的弱點 (how to win friends and influence people)
  3. 蘇菲的世界 (Sophie's World)
  4. 經濟解釋 張五常
  5. 時間簡史 (A Brief History of Time)
Lets not be overly aggressive this time, but come to think of it, quite challenging enough :p

Thursday, December 18, 2008

Saturday, October 25, 2008


Quite a pleasant surprise. such a well made movie....

Thursday, August 28, 2008

Moral of the story

Past weekend, went to a new salon in Japan Town.
Nice haircut, well received that night.
Next morning, after waking up, a shower...
After ther shower, looking into the mirror, shxx!!.... how am I supposed to do it again....

Moral of the story, think twice before you try a new salon/hair style...

Friday, April 11, 2008

countdown finale

Day 2
Been getting quite a few greetings thanks to forgetting to hide it on facebook even though this time I meant to keep it to myself if not confidential....

Late at night a friend of mine im'ed me, "so what's the plan this saturday? :D"
argh... I know, too late to update facebook now.
So I said, "oh man forgot to change my facebook now everyone knows :p no celebrate this year lu" blah, blah, blah, "don't actually want ppl to know :p"
and then he said, "oh it's your birthday?"
Luckily we're not talking face to face..................................................

I guess if I had to choose, i'd rather do this kind of stupid things when I'm relatively younger, so at least at my next bday re-cap I can count one less stupid thing have done at year. Hey I didn't invent this. Most financial firms write off all the bad debts before the next year/ceo kicks in =P

Wednesday, April 09, 2008

countdown to be cont'd part 2

day 5 -- didn't remember much....
day 4 -- projects I did was recognized to be part of the revenue success in our board meeting today, guess that has indirectly make me feel less miserable toward getting a bit closer to the deadline? :)
day 3 -- just another unproductive day :( and forgot to turn off the date annoucement on facebook... argh..

Wednesday, April 02, 2008

count down -- 10 more days to go...

10 more days to go before my depression reaches a new level...

問 GG 剩下來十天應有什麼特別值得一做的搞作, rare recommendations from her that dont't involve likely risking of my life:

1) Write down how u feel?
2) Cook a nice meal for yourself and make yourself feels slightly happier
3) Go running after
Repeat this for 10 days

#1 super good idea!! (starting the count down today)
#2 看我最近比豬更似豬的賣相就知道不是太適合吧... 加上近日㕑藝一落千丈....
#3 go running after a good dinner which means most likely will be having wine with it, think I'm not ready to go to hospital just yet...

> Repeat this for 10 days
Perhaps this is the key to turning the whole thing into a torture, which has the bright side of getting me too busy to be depressed over anything else?? =P

Tuesday, April 01, 2008

a pleasant surprise


而家除咗 GG 之外,已經再無乜人會送啲有禮物仔嘅信 lu.

好得意,仲有啲好 80 年代嘅廣東話字眼 -- "超好睇"... haha

寄禮物仔嘅時代好似已經係好耐之前嘅事, 不過唔知幾時開始唔記得以前自己都有啲咁嘅情趣.

Joey 仲祝我"好似相撲手咁 strong 咁强呀!" -- hm.... 唔知佢係暗示我最近嘅身型問題,定係佢覺得我肥啲好睇啲呢... 話比濺人蕉知,佢第一個反應就係 " Sumo player...haha...not a hint...just a conclusion she drew"

Saturday, March 22, 2008


前排佢幫我搵到嗰啲可能幫到我失眠嘅 nutrition drinks, 禽晚同佢講話我仲忙緊個 project, 結果佢幫我睇晒啲 manual, 話比我聽 exactly 應該點 mix.....

Monday, March 17, 2008

新海報... 頗滿意 :)

雖然屋子裡已經四週都是 cult movie posters.
還要多加的兩張都是 Stanley Kubrick 的... ^^